Stereo imaging is fucking killer - leveling is done right too! All the crunch is in the right places. It's awesome to see neuro still alive and well! Love all of the percussion/drums, too, the flow and roll is perfect.
Stereo imaging is fucking killer - leveling is done right too! All the crunch is in the right places. It's awesome to see neuro still alive and well! Love all of the percussion/drums, too, the flow and roll is perfect.
Thanks man. Keepin neuro alive since '95 lol
literally the freshest chiptune ive heard haha what the fuck
very atmospheric - i really like the lead and melody that picks up and the mixing is like min maxed perfectly to sit in a videogame somewhere. nothing is loud enough to hurt which is a plus. the dubstepish part at 4:38 could use some love in the sound design department but the idea is there and it still works even if it isn't something i particularly fancy because it still sits in the mix perfectly. overall, solid work!
Thank you, I wanted to change more on it but I liked it the way it came out.
the voice actor does a good job of sticking to the script and when they deviate, it's only to correct minor grammar mishaps in the script itself. The script is pretty straight forward and draws an accurate parallel between the two platforms compared. The speaker has a decent enough microphone, although I think more gain could have been applied on their end or maybe even your end since it is very, very quiet. Overall, not a bad voice over thing.
Thank, I appreciate your feedback. I'll will work on gain issue you brought up in the future! (I am using just a yeti Blackout) it was definitely on my end why it was so quiet. So I'll work on it as to give a better quality in the future:D
The script seems messy between the narrator and character - and I can't really find anything interesting about it. Also the voice actor needs work, too - they spoke a little too quickly at times and fell monotonous at other times when there should've been more emotion conveyed. Overall, I'd say it's something but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece.
this is some serious flash game music right here. i expected it to be one of those beginner songs that just isnt that great but like fuck it really isnt that bad - the drum step groove is super nostalgic and the sound design isn't half baked - it's just perfect for what it is. the drum and bass part is super above me though - im not about all that pitch bending on the yaah bass but i mean technically it isn't any worse than the first drop except for when you're passing in that arp or whatever at 2:50. everything sounds sanitized in the mix for the most part - there's fx that could be turned down (basically all noise risers/drops etc in the track) but other than that it's an honest to god bop
this sounds really good - i like it. perfect video game ost track for something like hacknet or a jrpg or something really lo-fi with not too much going on. the breakdowns are really nice between the energetic sections - the percussion is really great except the hi hat is way too loud for me. it almost pushes down other stuff in the high end really hard it feels like which is a strange thing to notice because usually stuff kind of gels in the high end - definitely feel some power zapped from the lead due to loud hihat. from a composition stand point everything is arranged nicely - the theory is really nice and everything has a nice way of mending together and i never feel like any synth is awkwardly dropped to be replaced by another. the mixing disregarding the high hat is pretty good - everything seems nicely leveled but there's some high end harshness in the break around 2:21 because a frequency probably masked by previous elements in the drop was squelched for the break - leaving the main lead blips to be super peaky circa 3-5k - would recommend looking into getting a hold of a dynamic eq to tame that sharpness all around - in the drop and the break.
really good stuff but definitely has its flaws that detracts from listening comfort (loud/peaky frequencies).
Thanks for the detailed review, I'm not sure I notice anything harsh with the break around the area you detailed. Fair point about the hats though, I do think I might have a tendency to make them a bit loud.
this is a really nice composition, everything progressively fades in and out and new elements seamlessly take the spotlight through the entire 2 1/2 minutes. i'd say there are weird things with stuff being very resonant in my left ear - like the string starting at 00:20 and the woodwind type thing at 1:18. other than that, it is a very nicely executed concept and with better leveling in the left and right channels it could be better. not too much to say because there isn't any mud to comment on and things seem to be mixed very well over all. the percussion swell at 1:15 is very nicely done and brings in the part after it in a very triumphant way.
Thanks a lot for your review! What you said about the pan is true, i hadn't heard it in headphones before (mine sucks). All pan is actually from Finale's standart configuration, i didn't do any mixing. I'm thinking about doing one and updating it. Thanks a lot again!
So over all this isn't all that bad! Honestly, didn't know garage band had capability to make music like this from how hard i see people meme it. The intro and build up is pretty long - the splash and mettalic layer with it at 1:01 is pretty sharp - would tone stuff like that down in the future. the bass shots sound very good through out the song - at 2:02 or 2:03 I can hear sub dissonance from the bass shot playing some sub and phasing out in an unpleasant way due to being a different note than the sub layer/mid layer. Also, i feel like the sub presence in the track is particularly week. The mixing definitely could use a once over, mainly with the bass shots. and at 4:30-4:31 it sounds like a sidechain trigger is placed before the snare hits, causing an unnatural duck. The theory like the chords, melody and the guitar are all really good but the mixing/mastering doesn't do the composition many favors. Very solid track though all things considered!
Appreciate the suggestions. Glad you like it
So - starting off - this is a really good game soundtrack! it isn't mastered to be right in your face like a traditional song which is important for this sort of genre so it can sit comfortably in the background without too much audio leveling within the game engine. there isn't an over whelming sub presence which could detract from game SFX and where there is sub it's nice and tight, and not boomy. the mix is super clean from the minimalist nature of the song over all - not everything is happening at 1 time and i find that the longer the song goes on - instead of throwing more and more on top of the track, things change which adds a nice progression over the 10 minutes which is a key element to making a game soundtrack work - both length and progressiveness. while there are elements that add some mud into the mid end (a little grit rise at 4:33 is a good example) i find that it's fine and probably adds to the atmosphere of a boss fight, anyways. the mixing and mastering on this song really makes it feel like it should be a game! good job, the idea is clear and the track continuously moves on, devolving the theme.
Age 27, Other
Joined on 7/12/18